How to secure PR during Bett 2019: our tips

Bett starts tomorrow and if you’re exhibiting at the event, we hope you’re feeling prepared and ready to make the most of your presence. Generating PR during the event is a great way to promote your presence and ensure your potential customers know about you. Read on for our top tips for creating a PR buzz during Bett 2019.

Make contact with journalists

Keep tabs on the journalists that are attending and formulate a plan to engage with them. One way is to keep an eye on their Twitter streams. They may well Tweet when they are at Bett, giving you an opportunity to reach out to them.

Connect with the event organisers

Brief the show organisers about what you are doing that’s newsworthy each day. WithPR is the PR agency handling all media at BETT, so get in touch and ask them which journalists they are expecting to attend and on which day.

TV opportunities

Wednesday is generally the day when broadcast media attend Bett. TV needs to have something interesting to film. If you’re showcasing something eye-catching, a well-known expert is attending your stand, or there are some school children trying out your tech, this could appeal to TV journalists. Get in touch with the press office and find out when they expect any TV crews and what you can offer.

Consider ways to attract attention

Prepare a few things that will draw attention to your stand and provide film or photo opportunities. These could include hands-on demos, audience participation, eye-catching guest visitors or VIPs.

Be opportunistic!

Don’t be shy! If you spot a journalist or blogger, say hello! Badges will usually make it clear if someone is a journalist. Ask them who they report for and what they’re interested in, then think about whether you can help them. If not, you could try and suggest a fellow exhibitor.

Review the speaker schedule

Journalists are often co-opted to chair panels. Check the speaker line up to see if anyone is listed. If a journalist is chairing the session, ask a question, and sit right at the front so you can have a quick chat with them at the end of the session.

Prepare some print materials

Don’t underestimate the value of flyers and business cards. They can be a great way to remind a journalist of your product or initiative after the event, so don’t be afraid to hand them out.

Finally, good luck with Bett 2019! We look forward to seeing you there. If you’d like to meet up, please give me a call on +44 (0)7813 938 020 or you can email me.