Influencer marketing in education – a step-by-step guide

This year, my mission is to create practical resources that de-mystify the PR and marketing process for education specialists.

I’ve recently received a number of queries about influencer marketing and how it can benefit those in the education sector. So I’ve created a free step-by-step guide to help you to create your own influencer marketing campaign.

The prevalence of influencer marketing has grown substantially in the last few years. From its beginnings as a niche marketing tactic, it has become an essential part of many marketing campaigns. But how can it benefit organisations looking to reach the education market? And how do you go about creating your own campaign?

This guide will take you through all of the necessary steps, including:

– Understanding influencer marketing
– Addressing common misconceptions
– How to find the right influencers for your campaign
– How to reach out to influencers
– How to launch and measure your campaign

After reading, you will have the tools to launch your very own campaign!

To download your step-by-step guide to influencer marketing, just subscribe to our mailing list. Our aim is to provide our subscribers with useful and relevant material every now and again but if you don’t like what you receive from us, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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