Free insight: Ed Dorrell, Head of Content at the Tes tells us three things to remember

We recently interviewed Ed Dorrell, Head of Content from the Tes at a breakfast event we co-hosted with Roxhill Media, the organisation that provides us with our very useful media database.

Ed shared lots of essential insight and advice during the session and you can access all of it in our free briefing which you can download here. To get you started, here are three things we found out:

  1. News is online – Ed explained that virtually all news content is now handled online and, overall, about two-thirds of the Tes’ editorial is digital.
  2. Tes International just launched – a new biannual publication aimed at both school and group leaders and individual teachers.
  3. Podcasts just keep getting bigger – the Tes hosts more than 10 podcasts and they are incredibly popular. The latest is the Tes Technology podcast, which launched in January this year. It joins podcasts covering news, pedagogy (Tes Podagogy), maths, English, FE, behaviour and more.

Click here to download the full briefing.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will already have received this briefing in full. For more tips on pitching to journalists, read our article ‘Education PR: what journalists really want to know.